Members of the Cadet Corps must behave honestly and with integrity while undertaking Cadet Corps activities.
Members of the Cadet Corps must act with care and diligence while undertaking Cadet Corps activities.
Members of the Cadet Corps must treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without harassment.
Members of the Cadet Corps must undertake Cadet Corps activities in a safe, skilful and competent manner.
Members of the Cadet Corps must not make unauthorised use of confidential information, or reveal it to persons not authorised to receive it.
Members of the Cadet Corps, while undertaking Cadet Corps activities, must comply with all applicable Cayman Islands laws, as follows:
Any Act or any instrument made under an Act;
Any law, including any instrument made under such a law.
Any treaties or conventions to which the Cayman Islands is a signatory or party.
Members of the Cadet Corps must, while undertaking Cadet Corps activities, comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by an authorised person.
Members of the Cadet Corps must use Commonwealth resources in a proper manner.
Members of the Cadet Corps must not provide false or misleading information to an authorised person in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes in connection with the member’s Cadet Corps activities.
Members of the Cadet Corps must comply with any other conduct requirement that is prescribed by these regulations and standing orders.
Cayman Island Cadet Corps is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. Please ensure that you have read our privacy notice before you submit any personal information via this website.